After a long day, sometimes there is nothing better than a good shower, right? Afterwards, you turn on the exhaust fan to prevent moisture. An hour later, you've made something to eat, watched an episode of Glee, and called your friend to chat about it. You hear a faint humming, but can't quite place it. A ha! That bathroom fan is still on, both exhausting air and increasing energy bills. Instead of beating yourself up about it, install exhaust fan timers to eliminate this problem while also reducing energy use.
Enough is enough, and too much is a waste
So, exactly how much is enough? Following a shower or bath, the exhaust fan should be left on no longer than 20 minutes. In this time, the fan is able to exhaust out moisture to prevent mold and the build-up of condensation. Keeping the fan on for less than this can result in the condensation problems that exasperate respiratory-related health issues such as asthma.
Choosing the right timer
Exhaust fan timers come in both mechanical and digital models. A mechanical timer operates the same way in which a classic oven-timer works, with the wind-up mechanism. These typically cost less than the digital timers, and can be set by the minute. Digital timers allow you to choose the operation settings with the push of a button. This type of exhaust fan timer does not allow for minute operation, but can only be set based on five or ten minute intervals.
Time for installation
Saving energy at home is actually much simpler than it may at times appear. The use of exhaust fan timers is a great example of this. By simply setting the timer, you are promoting healthy indoor air quality at home, reducing energy use and costs, and eliminating that horrible feeling of forgetfulness all at the same time.
Ceiling Metal Pipe Exhaust Fan |