
Exhaust Fan at Your Home

Healthy and comfortable home is not only determined by the quality of its cleaning and lighting but also the air circulation. In order for air distribution went well, the room must be supported by a good ventilation system.

But  sometimes is not enough ventilation, therefore, needed a simple tool known as Exhaust Fan

Turnover air space needed depends on the function of the measured air change per hour. In the bedroom, for example, 2 / 3 volume of space should be replaced with new air every hour. When the vast room 3 x 4 x 3 = 36 m, meaning it requires a change of room air 24 m2/jam.
the presence of exhaust fan is an artificial attempt to optimize changing the air in the room .

• Exhaust Fan will function on the mode of ‘exhaust' or suck, not mode ‘fan' as ordinary fan.
• When enabled, Exhaust Fan Exhaust Fan will suck air from the room and throw it out of the room.
• The air is sucked and wasted air ‘dirty' which had previously been in the room.
• With exploited and outcast of volume / amount of dirty air in the room will be reduced.
• Each time the air (dirty) air sucked out of the net from outside the room will go into the room through the ventilation holes, and so on, it is possible because when the air is sucked out of the PRESSURE AIR TOTAL in the room becomes smaller than the air pressure outside room, so the room will get a supply of air from outdoors.
• This will continue over and over during the EF in the ON state. Thus, the air inside the room will feel more refreshed and cool of course, because the volume of dirty air is always sucked out and replaced with clean air at all times.

Because clean air circulation associated with family health, so the installation of exhaust fans at home is a wise choice. Good Luck…
Ceiling Metal Pipe Exhaust Fan

